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Esterazy z hipertermofili, st. Biotechnologia podręczniki, Materiały - Biotechnologia[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Tetrahedron: Asymmetry Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 15 (2004) 2729–2735 TETRAHEDRON: ASYMMETRY REPORT NUMBER 69 Thermostable carboxylesterases from hyperthermophiles Haruyuki Atomi and Tadayuki Imanaka * Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan Received 1 June 2004; accepted 21 July 2004 Available online 11 September 2004 Abstract—This report focuses on the lipolytic enzymes from hyperthermophiles. Most of the enzymes characterized to date are car- boxylesterases that are structurally related to the hormone-sensitive lipase family, and prefer medium chain (acyl chain length of 6) p-nitrophenyl substrates. The presence of a GGGX motif in these carboxylesterases suggest the ability of these enzymes to catalyze the hydrolysis of tertiary alcohol esters. We will also introduce studies that have examined the effects of temperature and organic solvents on the catalytic e;ciency and enantioselectivity of the thermostable carboxylesterase from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Finally, a BLAST search of the hyperthermophile genome sequences reveal candidate genes that may encode novel, thermostable esterases. 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Contents 1. Introduction . . ..................................................... 2729 2. Properties of characterized carboxylesterases from hyperthermophiles. .............. 2730 3. Other candidate carboxylesterase orthologues on the hyperthermophile genomes . ...... 2733 4. Practical advantages in the use of enzymes from hyperthermophiles . . .............. 2734 5. Conclusions. . . ..................................................... 2734 References . . ......................................................... 2734 1. Introduction to explore a broader range of reaction conditions aimed to enhance further the selectivity and/or e ; ciency (turn- over) of the enzyme reaction. Indeed, much effort has been spent in order to enhance the stability of enzymes, through modifying the enzyme itself or its immediate environment. 5 The dramatic increase in structural infor- mation of enzymes, along with recently developed tech- niques (DNA shuDing, high throughput screening technology, directed evolution), have led to great ad- vances in enzyme engineering and technology. 4,18,19,24 The application of enzymes in organic synthesis is now a routine alternative for the organic chemist and process engineer. The native or engineered enzyme provides the selectivity, whether it be substrate selectivity, regio- selectivity, or stereoselectivity, which is desired in the reaction. Unfortunately, the use of enzymes in many cases also brings about constraints in the conditions under which the reaction must be performed. In terms of stability, not to mention selectivity, the usual enzyme is far from the ideal catalyst, and in many cases the en- zyme is more labile than the substrate and product of the reaction. Enzymes with enhanced stability would not only allow prolonged usage, but would enable us Another development that has provided valuable clues as to how proteins can be made more thermostable or thermotolerant is the discovery of hyperthermophiles and studies on their proteins. Hyperthermophiles are organisms that grow at temperatures above 90C, 1 or optimally grow at temperatures above 80C. 38 Many have been found to grow at temperatures above the boil- ing point of water. 39 Unlike chemical parameters such as * Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 75 383 2777; fax: +81 75 383 2778; e-mail: 0957-4166/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tetasy.2004.07.054 2730 H. Atomi, T. Imanaka / Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 15 (2004) 2729–2735 pH, heat cannot be removed or pumped out of the cell, and consequently, all the biomolecules within a hyper- thermophiliccell must endure and function at high tem- perature. Therefore, a single hyperthermophile provides well over a 1000 different proteins with extreme thermo- tolerance. This, along with the possibility that hyper- thermophiles may represent the most primitive forms of present-day life, has led many to study the protein structure, physiology, and genome structure of hyper- thermophiles. Hyperthermophiles have been found to constitute a diverse group of organisms in terms of en- ergy and carbon metabolism. 2 Both chemoautotrophs and heterotrophs are present, with the latter group capa- ble of utilizing a variety of organic compounds; disac- charides or polysaccharides with a-orb-1,4-glycosidic bonds, peptides, amino acids, and organic acids. This indicates the presence of various enzymes that can con- vert or degrade these compounds. As expected, a vast scope of enzymes with an application potential have been identified from these organisms in the past years. 15,17,25,29,40 enzymes identified from hyperthermophiles and their biochemical properties. At present, a lipase has not been identified from hyperthermophiles, and most of the en- zymes characterized up till now are carboxylesterases. Although the number is still very limited, we will also introduce some initial examples where the application of hyperthermophilicesterases in organicsynthesis has been explored. 2. Properties of characterized carboxylesterases from hyperthermophiles Thermostable carboxylesterases have been identified and characterized from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, Pyro- coccus abyssi, Pyrococcus furiosus, Aeropyrum pernix, Sulfolobus solfataricus,andPyrobaculum calidifontis ( Table 1 ). Among these, the enzyme from A. fulgidus (AFEST) is the most characterized; its gene has been cloned, the recombinant enzyme has been purified and characterized (AAB89533), 22 and moreover, the crystal structure of the protein is available at 2.2 ˚ resolution. 8 The structure of AFEST should provide valuable infor- mation for future engineering of the enzyme, and for the modelling of other esterases from hyperthermophiles. AFEST is a member of the hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) family, or Family IV of the prokaryoticlipolytic enzymes proposed by Arpigny and Jaeger. 3 The HSL family also includes the carboxylesterase from the thermophile Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius (EST2) 7 and Brefeldin A esterase from the mesophilic Bacillus subtilis (BFAE), 41 whose three-dimensional structures have been determined. The three structures thus allow a detailed structural comparison among closely re- lated enzymes from mesophiles, thermophiles, and hyperthermophiles. As reported in other structural comparisons between mesophilic/hyperthermophilic proteins, 11,15,37,40 (i) an increase in the percentage of ion pairs, (ii) an increase in cationic-p aromaticinterac- tions, (iii) a decrease in the surface area occupied by hydrophobicresidues, and (iv) a reduction in the lengths Carboxylesterases (EC are a class of lipolytic en- zymes that hydrolyze water-soluble, ester-containing molecules. Taking into account this substrate selectivity, carboxylesterases are distinguished from lipases (EC, which prefer water-insoluble long-chain triglyc- erides and display activation at lipid–water interfaces, and arylesterases (EC, which hydrolyze esters with aromaticmoieties. Phospholipase A2 (EC, lysophospholipase (EC, and acetylcho- line esterase (EC are also representatives of the abundant number of ester bond hydrolyzing enzymes. On the other hand, the rapid accumulation of sequence data in recent years has made possible the classification of these enzymes in terms of primary structure. 3 Although this structural classification in general agrees well with the classification based on substrate selectivity, there are some structurally-related families of enzymes that include both the traditionally named lipases and carboxylesterases. This report will focus on the lypolytic Table 1. Biochemical properties of thermostable esterases from hyperthermophiles Organism No of residues T opt (C) Substrate (examined temperature, C) a K m (lM) k cat (s 1 ) k cat /K m (s 1 lM 1 ) Specific activity (lmolmin 1 mg 1 ) Refs. A. fulgidus 311 80 PNP-hexanoate (70) 11 ± 3 1014 ± 38 92.2 Ca. 3200 b 19 S. solfataricus P1 305 95–100 4-Methylumbelliferyl acetate (80) 450 1000 2.2 1600 c 28 S. solfataricus MT4 305 P90 PNP-valerate (60) NR NR NR 747 d 23 P. calidifontis VA1 313 90 PNP-caproate (70) 44.4 ± 5.9 2620 ± 90 59 4050 e 13 A. pernix 582 90 PNP-caprylate (70) NR NR NR 0.92 f 9 P. furiosus NR 100 NR NR NR NR Crude sample 15 P. furiosus 257 NR NR NR NR NR NR 30 P. abyssi NR 65–74 NR NR NR NR Crude sample 6 NR, not reported. a Temperature at which kinetic analysis was performed, or specific activity measured. Measured with 0.2mM PNP-hexanoate. c Measured with 0.6mM 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate. d Measured with 0.3mM PNP-valerate. e Measured with 1mM PNP-caproate. f Measured with 0.2mM PNP-caprylate. b H. Atomi, T. Imanaka / Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 15 (2004) 2729–2735 2731 of loops connecting secondary structures, was ob- served. 8 Further statistical analyses of single amino acid replacements among the three aligned proteins have re- vealed particular trends in residue exchange in the direc- tion mesophilicto hyperthermophilic. 23 In terms of the biochemical performance of the enzyme, AFEST was thermostable with t 1/2 values of 30h (58C), 7.5h (70C), 60min (85C), 28min (90C), and 26min (95C). The optimal temperature of the enzyme under the conditions examined was 80C. The thermostability and optimal temperature of the enzyme may seem rela- tively low, as A. fulgidus grows at temperatures up to 95C. There are some examples in which the in vitro thermostability of an enzyme from a hyperthermophile is lower than one would expect. 9 There is a possibility that these intracellular enzymes are further stabilized in vivo by small intracellular molecules such as polyamines. 21 be expected to differ from those of mesophilic enzymes. This is due to the fact that these temperatures are still below the optimal temperature of hyperthermophilic enzymes, and therefore these enzymes can be considered to be in a structurally rigid state, while mesophilic enzymes, at temperatures above their optimum, are already in a highly flexible state. 35 In order to examine the possibilities of enhancing the function of Sso EST1 at suboptimal temperatures by increasing enzyme flexi- bility, various co-solvents were added to the reaction mixture using 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate as the sub- strate. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was found to have an activating effect at concentrations between 1.2% and 10% (v/v), and the effect was more striking at lower temperatures. Structural and biochemical analyses at various temperatures in the presence of co-solvent sug- gested that the activating effect of DMSO at relatively lower temperatures could be attributed to an increase in the structural flexibility of the enzyme at suboptimal temperatures. The results point out the fact that the presence of co-solvent, in some cases, may compensate for the activating effect of temperature, and provide an alternative to reaction systems with highly stable en- zymes and thermolabile substrates. 35 Kineticanalyses of AFEST toward various p-nitrophe- nyl (PNP) esters revealed maximum k cat /K m values toward PNP-hexanoate (92.2s 1 lM 1 ). Activities toward long PNP esters were very low, and hydrolysis of trioleoylglycerol could not be detected. Enantioselec- tivity of AFEST was examined with several compounds, and although significant conversion was observed in short reaction times with high substrate/enzyme ratios, only moderate enantioselectivity was observed ( Fig. 1 , 60% enantiomericexcess of (R)-6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol with hydrolysis of (±)-6-methyl-5-hepten-2-yl buta- noate). 22 The difference in behavior between hyperthermophilic and mesophilicenzymes can also be observed through the effects of temperature on their enantioselectiv- ity. 19,28,33 The enantiomericratio of an enzyme reaction is related to the difference in the free energy of activation of the paths of the two enantiomers (DDG)as DDG = RTlnE. DDG can also be expressed by the differences in activation enthalpy (DDH) and entropy (DDS)asDDG = DDH TDDS. When there is no enantiomericdisrimination, E = 1, and hence DDG =0, or DDH = TDDS. The temperature at which enantiomeric discrimination is absent is defined as the racemic temperature, T r . 28 At temperatures below T r , the DDG is dominated by DDH (under enthalpic control), and the E value will decrease as temperature is elevated until it reaches 1 at T r . At temperatures above T r , the DDG is dominated by TDDS (under entropic control), and the E value will increase with the increase in temperature. DDH is due to differences in the steric binding of the enantiomers to the substrate pocket of the enzyme through van der Waals or other noncovalent interactions, while DDS most likely reflects differences in the rotational motion of the substrate and amino acid side chains lining the substrate binding pocket. When substrates bind to the enzyme pocket through strong interactions such as hydrogen bonds or ionic bonds, DDH can be expected to be large, resulting in little or no effect of temperature on the enantioselectivity of the enzyme. As the substrates for carboxylesterases and lipases are in many cases lipophilic, and interact with the enzymes through relatively weak hydrophobic interactions, the effect of temperature on these enzyme reactions can be expected to be significant. 28 OCOC 3 H 7 AFEST HO H ( R )-6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol 39% (conversion) ee% = 60 E = 5.7 Figure 1. Carboxylesterases have been examined from two strains of S. solfataricus, strains P1 32 and MT4. 26 The strain whose genome has been sequenced is S. solfataricus strain P2. 36 In order to avoid misunderstanding, the en- zyme from strain MT4 (EstA) is 99% identical with the enzyme from strain P1 (Sso EST1), and both are 91% identical to a gene on the P2 genome annotated as lipP-1 lipase. Sso EST1 and EstA (along with lipP-1) are also members of the HSL family. Sso EST1 exhibits a surprisingly high optimal temperature between 95 and 100C compared to the optimal growth temperature of its host (75C). The enzyme prefers PNP-caproate among the PNP-esters, and displays k cat /K m values of 2.2s 1 lM 1 at 80C with 4-methylumbelliferyl The effects of temperature and various organic co-sol- vents on the structure and catalytic activity of Sso EST1 have been examined in detail. 33–35 The conforma- tional state of hyperthermophilicenzymes at moderately high temperatures, such as in the range of 50–80C, can The enantioselectivities of Sso EST1 and the mesophilic enzymes Candida rugosa lipase (CRL) and Palatase in the hydrolysis of (RS)-Naproxen methyl ester have been examined at various temperatures (Scheme of Fig. 2 ). 33 acetate. 32 2732 H. Atomi, T. Imanaka / Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 15 (2004) 2729–2735 H 3 Sso EST1 O CH 3 OH O 25% methanol O H 3 CO H 3 CO ( S )-Naproxen 8.3% (conversion) ee% = 92.9 E = 30 Figure 2. The lnE versus 1/T (K 1 ) plot revealed an inverse rela- tionship between Sso EST1 and the mesophilicenzymes, the former displaying a decrease in the E value with higher temperature [>6-fold higher (S)-selectivity at 48.5C than at 70C], while the latter exhibited an increase in E values [>3-fold higher (S)-selectivity at 55C than at 4C]. The estimated T r values were 88.1, 46.3, and 1.1C for Sso EST1, CRL, and Palatase, respectively. The results clearly reveal that the reactions are controlled by distinct thermodynamic features; the CRL and Palastase reactions are under entropic control, while the Sso EST1 reaction is under enthalpic control. 33 This difference can be related to the different conforma- tional states of the enzymes mentioned above; at the examined temperatures the flexibility of the mesophilic enzymes is su;cient to encourage entropic control, while the rigidity of thermostable enzymes give rise to enthalpiccontrol. 2100lmolmg 1 min 1 with 50% (v/v) DMSO, 560lmolmg 1 min 1 with 50% methanol and 300lmolmg 1 min 1 with 50% dimethylformamide (4000lmolmg 1 min 1 with no co-solvents). Pc-Est pre- ferred PNP-valerate, PNP-caproate, and PNP-caprylate among the examined PNP-esters, and displayed only lit- tle activity against PNP-palmitate. One interesting prop- erty of Pc-Est is its activity toward esters with branched alcohols. The enzyme hydrolyzed sec-butyl acetate and moreover tert-butyl acetate with specific activities of 880 and 270lmolmg 1 min 1 , respectively. Carboxylest- erases that hydrolyze tertiary alcohol esters are limited in number; the lipase from Candida rugosa and the lipase A from Candida antarctica have been shown to exhibit this activity. 12,13 These enzymes, as well as Pc-Est, har- bor a GGGX motif located in the active site that con- tributes to the oxyanion hole. Along with a systematic examination of the enzyme activities of various GGGX-type a/b hydrolases, the importance of this mo- tif structure in allowing the hydrolysis of tertiary alcohol esters has been revealed by computer modelling, 12,13 indicating that the GGGX motif creates a larger active site, providing more space for the alcohol. The enzymes mentioned above from A. fulgidus and S. solfataricus also harbor this motif, and are therefore also likely to hydrolyze tertiary alcohol esters. Possibilities for the application of Sso EST1 in chiral separations of racemic esters have also been explored. A strategicselection of esterases from hyperthermo- philes was carried out for the resolution of 2-arylprop- ionicesters. 34 The abundant sequence information available from hyperthermophile genomes was searched with the sequences of two mesophilic esterases that have been experimentally proven to exhibit high enantioselec- tivity in the resolution of Naproxen ester derivatives (CRL and Carboxylesterase NP from Bacillus subtilis ThaiI-8). Sso EST1, along with a putative lysophospho- lipase from P. furiosus, was identified as a potential can- didate. Sso EST1 proved to be the more effective enzyme, hydrolyzing the (S)-Naproxen methyl ester with an enantiomericexcess of over 90 and an enantiomeric ratio of 24 at 50C. Addition of 25% methanol led to an increase in the E value from 24 to 30 ( Fig. 2 ). The effects of other co-solvents were also examined and revealed an inverse relationship between the denatura- tion capacity of the solvent 20 and the observed enantio- meric ratio. This can also be attributed to the increase in flexibility of the enzyme brought about by the solvent, counteracting with the enantioselectivity of the enzyme under enthalpiccontrol. While the enzymes mentioned above are all members of the HSL family of a/b hydrolases, a structurally distinct protein with both esterase and acyl amino acid-releasing enzyme (AARE) activity has been identified and charac- terized from A. pernix 10 The enzyme was 29% identical to the AARE from pig liver and 27% identical to the carboxylesterase from mouse liver. The pentapeptide motif was found with the sequence G-Y-S-Y-G. The re- combinant enzyme was extremely thermostable, retain- ing 60% activity after incubation at 90C for 160h. Among PNP-esters at a fixed concentration of 2mM, PNP-caprylate was the most hydrolyzed substrate. The enzyme also hydrolyzed N-acetylamino acid p-nitroani- lide derivatives as well as dipeptides. Other than the enzymes mentioned above, a thermosta- ble protein with esterase activity has been cloned from P. furiosus. 16 Unfortunately, sequence information is not available. The enyzme displayed maximum activity at 100C under the conditions employed, with a t 1/2 value of 34h at 100C. At a substrate concentration of 625lM, 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate was hydrolyzed 2-fold faster than 4-methylumbelliferyl butyrate. This enzyme did not hydrolyze peptide substrates. Another Another HSL carboxylesterase has been characterized from P. calidifontis (Pc-Est). 14 Pc-Est is extremely thermostable, with a t 1/2 value of ca. 1h at 110C, with no apparent decrease in activity after 2h at 100C. The optimal temperature of the enzyme under the applied conditions was 90C. The enzyme also retained activity in the presence of various co-solvents; H. Atomi, T. Imanaka / Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 15 (2004) 2729–2735 2733 study reports the screening of 160 thermophilic or hyperthermophilic microorganisms for esterase activ- ity. 6 Forty seven strains were esterase positive, and elec- trophoreticprofiles suggested at least three different classes of esterases were present. Interestingly, the per- centage of esterase-positive microorganisms increased with the increase in isolation temperature. The thermo- stable esterase from P. abyssi was selected for further examination. At a fixed concentration of PNP-esters, C4–C6 acyl moieties were hydrolyzed the most e;- ciently. This esterase was also extremely thermostable, but sequence information is not available. encode proteins with esterase activity, we did not ex- clude genes that were annotated with a different func- tion, such as a peptidase. Candidates were excluded only when the GXSXG motif was absent. We would also like to note that a sequence identified from a BLAST search is not necessarily a member of the same Family as the template sequence. A more detailed struc- tural examination and alignment is recommended before one initiates experiments with a particular candidate. With the Family I-2 lipase from Burkholderia glumae,an open reading frame with notable similarity was found on the A. fulgidus genome (annotated as 2-hydroxy-6- oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoicacid hydrolase). Interest- ingly, a further Blast using this sequence did not lead to genes from other hyperthermophiles, but to mesophi- lic sequences. The sequence was 26% identical to the b- ketoadipate enol–lactone hydrolase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. 27 Using the Family I-4 sequence of the li- pase from Bacillus subtilis, a second, rather long (474 amino acid residues) open reading frame from A. fulgi- dus (annotated as putative lipase) was identified. The Family IV enzymes (HSL) are found in multiple hyper- thermophiles, and besides the specific enzymes described in the previous section, orthologues can also be found on the S. tokodaii and T. maritima genomes. Using the Family V sequence from Pseudomonas oleovorans, multiple open reading frames from A. fulgidus were 3. Other candidate carboxylesterase orthologues on the hyperthermophile genomes We performed a BLAST search for serine esterases against the genome sequences of A. pernix K1, S. solfa- taricus P2, Pyrobaculum aerophilum IM2, Sulfolobus tokodaii 7, A. fulgidus DSM4304, Methanococcus janna- schii DSM2661, Methanopyrus kandleri AV19, P. abyssi GE5, P. furiosus, P. horikoshii OT3, Aquifex aeolicus VF5, and Thermotoga maritima MSB8 ( Table 2 ). The se- quences applied to the BLAST search were representa- tives of each of the (sub)families of lipolytic enzymes classified by Arpigny and Jaeger. 3 As we intended to identify as many candidate genes as possible that may Table 2. BLAST search against hyperthermophile genome sequences using members of the Family I–VIII lipolytic enzymes BLAST template Hits GXSXG Protein characterization Organism Accession No No of residues Family I-2 lipase from Burkholderia glumae (CAA49812) A. fulgidus AAB89544 a 238 98-GLSMG-102 No T. maritima AAD35147 364 160-AHSMG-164 No A. aeolicus BAA80234 570 186-GVSMG-190 No Family I-4 lipase from Bacillus subtilis (AAA22574) A. fulgidus AAB89488 474 134-GHSMG-138 No Family IV esterase from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius (1EVQ_A) A. fulgidus AAB89533 b 311 158-GDSAG-162 Yes S. solfataricus AAK42652 b 311 154-GDSAG-158 No S. tokodaii BAB65028 b 303 148-GDSAG-152 No S. solfataricus AAK42629 b 305 149-GDSAG-153 No c S. solfataricus AAK42648 b 251 97-GISAG-101 No T. maritima AAD36236 306 158-GLSAG-162 No Family V PHA-depolymerase from Pseudomonas oleovorans (AAA25933) A. fulgidus AAB88916 247 86-GHSLG-90 No A. fulgidus AAB90371 266 93-GHSFG-97 No A. fulgidus AAB89709 251 87-GHSLG-91 No S. solfataricus AAK40458 231 69-GHSIG-73 No A. aeolicus AAC07858 207 60-GWSLG-64 No P. abyssi CAB50498 259 86-GHSLG-90 No T. maritima AAD36421 259 84-GHSLG-88 No S. tokodaii BAB67203 193 92-GASMG-96 No S. solfataricus AAK43219 310 114-GHSYG-118 No P. furiosus AAL80604 257 86-GHSLG-90 Yes Type VI esterase from Pseudomonas fluorescens (AAC60403) T. maritima AAD35127 395 284-GLSMG-288 No A. pernix BAA81456 591 449-GGSYG-453 No a Also identified in the Family V BLAST. b Also identified in the Family VII BLAST (not shown due to redundancy). c LipP-1 mentioned in the text. 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