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  • Evo Notebook N410c Software Overview, Sterowniki, EVO N410C

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    //-->White Paper1st ReleaseJuly 2002172Z-0702A-WWENPrepared by:Software MarketingCompaq Computer CorporationEvo Notebook N410c/N610cSoftware OverviewAbstract:The purpose of this white paper is to present both anoverview of the preinstalled software with operating system supportand a brief description of major software components and features.This white paper covers the new Evo Notebook N410c and N610cmodels along with a software comparison to Evo Notebook N400c,N600c, N800c, and N1000c models.This document is intended for Compaq personnel and customers whoneed information about the software provided on the Evo preinstallimages.ContentsHighlights .................................... 3Operating Systems ..................... 3Microsoft Windows 2000 ........... 3Microsoft Windows XPProfessional .............................. 5Microsoft Windows 95 ............... 6Microsoft Windows 98 andMicrosoft Windows NTWorkstation 4.0 Support............ 6Known Anomalies....................... 6Software Delivery........................ 7Compaq QuickRestore CDKit.............................................. 7Compaq Support SoftwareCD............................................. 7Compaq Worldwide WebSite and Download Facility........ 8Software Enhancements ............ 9Setup and Diagnostics .............. 9Intelligent Manageability.......... 10Video....................................... 11Audio....................................... 11Security ................................... 11Advanced Configuration andPower Interface (ACPI) ........... 12Easy Access ButtonsSupport ................................... 12Reference Guides ................... 12Frequently Asked Questions ... 13Evo Notebook N410c/N610c Software Overview21st ReleaseNotice172Z-0702A-WWEN © 2002 Compaq Computer CorporationCompaq, the Compaq logo, and Armada Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Evo and SoftPaqare trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the United States and other countries.Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States andother countries. Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and othercountries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The informationin this document is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice.The warranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanyingsuch products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.172Z-0702A-WWENEvo Notebook N410c/N610c Software Overview31st ReleaseHighlightsBenefits of the newEvo™Notebook N410c/N610c preinstall image include:•Support for••Evo Notebook N410c Mobile Intel Pentium III 1.0 and 1.2 GHz-M modelsEvo Notebook N610c Mobile Intel Pentium 4 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and 2.0 GHz-M modelsOperating SystemsOperating systems available for the Evo N410c and N610c series include:••Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 2Microsoft Windows XP ProfessionalMicrosoft Windows 2000Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack Two is one of the preinstalled operatingsystems for N410c and N610c models. Compaq also supports customers who installWindows 2000 on their own.Table 1. Windows 2000 Software Component Version ComparisonSoftwareComponent3Com Etherlink 3C905C10/100 PCI NICADI WDM Audio DriverAdobe Acrobat ReaderAllegro Audio DriverAltiris Express ClientEvo Quick ReferenceATI Video DriverATI M6 Video DriverATI M7 Video DriverBiologon Security SystemDriversCompaq ApplicationInstallerEvo N400c (850 MHz)/N600c5.11 AN/A4.05 A (CD)5.12 D4.10 C (Preloaded)N400c or N600c Guide(CD)3.00 A (for N400c)1.00 A (for N600c)N/A2.01 C1.10 BEvo N800c5.11 A1.00 A4.05 A (CD)7.00 A5.10 A (CD)N800c Guide (CD)3.00 A (for N400c)1.00 A (for N600c)1.00 AN/A2.00 AEvo N1000c5.11 A1.00 B5.00 C7.00 A5.10 A (CD)N1000c Guide(CD)3.00 A (for N400c)1.00 A (for N600c)1.00 BN/A2.00 AEvo N410c/N610c5.11 A1.00 B4.05 A (CD)7.00 A5.10 A (CD)N410c or N610cGuide (CD)3.00 A (for N400c)1.00 C (forN410c/N600c)1.00 CN/A2.00 B172Z-0702A-WWENEvo Notebook N410c/N610c Software Overview41st ReleaseTable 1. Windows 2000 Software Component Version Comparison(continued)SoftwareComponentCompaq Default SettingsCompaq DVD SolutionCompaq Easy AccessButtons SoftwareDiagnostics for WindowsHot Key Support SoftwareInsight ManagementAgents (Win32)Intel 845M Chipset DriverIntel (Almador) 830MChipset DriverIntel SpeedStepApplicationMicrosoft DirectXMobile Intel Pro 100 NICDriversMobile Modem DriversMobile Modem Drivers(Conexant)Online Modem GuidePower ManagementRemote ManagementRoxio Easy CD CreatorSafety and Comfort GuideSecurity Management(Win32)Synaptics TouchpadSystem EnhancementsEvo N400c (850 MHz)/N600c PreinstallN/A3.00 A (Preloaded)2.10 C3.07 A (preloaded)1.10 B4.36 H (preloaded)N/A3.10 A2.10 A (preloaded)8.00 A3.00 B1.00 BN/A1.00 A (CD)4.10 B1.01 A (CD)N/A5.01 A (CD)2.40 A (preloaded)N/A4.00 AEvo N800c1.00 B4.00 A (Preloaded)3.00 A3.14 A (preloaded)N/A5.00 D (CD)3.40 A3.10 A2.20 A (Preloaded)8.103.01 A1.00 B1.00 A1.00 A (CD)N/A1.01 A (CD)5.10 E (CD)5.01 A (CD)N/A6.x C5.00 DEvo N1000c1.00 C4.00 B3.00 B3.15 A (preloaded)N/A5.00 D (CD)3.40 A3.10 A2.30 A(Preloaded)8.103.02 A1.00 B1.00 A1.00 A (CD)N/A1.01 A (CD)5.10 E (CD)5.01 A (CD)N/A6.x C5.00 DEvo N410c/N610c1.00 C4.00 B3.00 B4.00 A (preloaded)1.10 D5.00 E (CD)3.40 A3.10 A2.30 A(Preloaded)8.103.02 A1.00 B1.00 A1.00 A (CD)N/A1.01 B (CD)5.10 E (CD)5.01 A (CD)N/AN/A5.00 H172Z-0702A-WWENEvo Notebook N410c/N610c Software Overview51st ReleaseMicrosoft Windows XP ProfessionalMicrosoft Windows XP Professional is preinstalled on select Evo N400c, N410c, N600c, N610cN800c, and N1000c models. Compaq also supports customers who install Windows XP on theirown.Table 2. Windows XP Pro Software Component Version ComparisonSoftwareComponentADI WDM Audio DriverAdobe Acrobat ReaderAllegro Audio DriverAltiris Express ClientQuick ReferenceATI Mobility Video DriverATI M6 Video DriverATI M7 Video DriverCompaq Application InstallerCompaq Default SettingsCompaq DVD SolutionCompaq Easy Access ButtonsCompaq Info CenterCompaq PC Health & SupportLinksDiagnostics for WindowsHot Key Support SoftwareInsight Management AgentsIntel 845 Chipset DriverMicrosoft Java VMMobile Intel Pro 100 NICDriversMobile Modem DriversMobile Modem Drivers(Conexant)Online Modem GuidePower ManagementRemote ManagementRoxio Easy CD CreatorSafety and Comfort GuideSecurity ManagementSynaptics TouchpadEvo N400c (850MHz)/ N600cPreinstallN/A4.05 A (CD)7.00 A5.10 A (CD)N400c or N600c Guide(CD)1.00 B (for N400c)1.00 A (for N600c)N/A1.20 AN/A3.00 C (Preloaded)2.20 B1.10 A2.15 A3.10 A (preloaded)1.10 D5.00 B (CD)N/A1.00 A3.01 AN/AN/A1.00 A (CD)4.10 B (CD)1.01 A (CD)N/A5.01 A (CD)2.40 A (preloaded)N/AEvo N800cEvo N1000cEvo N410c/N610c1.00 A4.05 A (CD)7.00 A5.10 A (CD)N800c Guide (CD)1.00 B (for N400c)1.00 A (for N600c)1.00 A2.00 A1.00 B4.00 A (Preloaded)3.00 A1.10 A2.21 E3.14 A (preloaded)N/A5.00 D (CD)3.40 A1.00 A3.01 A1.00 B1.00 A1.00 A (CD)N/A1.01 A (CD)5.10 E5.01 A (CD)N/A6.x B1.00 B5.00 C7.00 A5.10 A (CD)N1000c Guide(CD)1.00 B (for N400c)1.00 A (for N600c)1.00 B2.00 A1.00 C4.00 B3.00 B1.10 A2.21 E3.15 A (preloaded)N/A5.00 D (CD)3.40 A1.00 A3.02 A1.00 B1.00 A1.00 A (CD)N/A1.01 A (CD)5.10 E5.01 A (CD)N/A6.x C1.00 B4.05 A (CD)7.00 A5.10 A (CD)N410c or N610cGuide (CD)1.00 B (for N400c)1.00 C (forN410c/N600c)1.00 C2.00 B1.00 C4.00 B3.00 B1.10 A2.21 E4.00 A (preloaded)1.10 D5.00 E (CD)3.40 A1.00 A3.02 A1.00 B1.00 A1.00 A (CD)N/A1.01 B (CD)5.10 E5.01 A (CD)N/AN/A172Z-0702A-WWEN [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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