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  • Everitt - The Non-Existence of God, Theology, philosophy and the history of ideas

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    Is it possible to prove or disprove God’s existence?
    Arguments for the existence of God have taken many different forms over
    the centuries: the ontological, cosmological and teleological arguments;
    arguments which invoke miracles, religious experience and morality; and
    prudential arguments such as Pascal’s Wager. On the other hand are the
    arguments against theistic belief: the traditional problem of evil; the logical
    tensions between divine attributes such as omnipotence, omniscience and
    eternity; and arguments from the scale of the universe.
    The Non-existence of God
    , Nicholas Everitt introduces and critically
    assesses these arguments and examines the role that reason and knowledge
    play in the debate over God’s existence. He draws on recent scientific
    disputes over neo-Darwinism, the implications of ‘big bang’ cosmology, and
    the temporal and spatial size of the universe; and discusses some of the
    most recent work on the subject, such as the writings of Reformed Episte-
    mologists, and Plantinga’s ‘anti-naturalism’ argument in favour of theism.
    Everitt’s controversial conclusion is that there is a sense in which God’s
    existence is disprovable, and that even in other senses a belief in God would
    be irrational.
    1. Reasoning about God 2. Reformed Epistemology 3. Onto-
    logical arguments 4. Cosmological arguments 5. Teleological arguments
    6. Arguments to and from miracles 7. God and morality 8. Religious experi-
    ence 9. Naturalism, evolution and rationality 10. Prudential arguments
    11. Arguments from scale 12. Problems about evil 13. Omnipotence
    14. Eternity and omnipresence 15. Omniscience 16. Conclusion.
    Nicholas Everitt
    is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of East
    Anglia, UK. He is the co-author of
    Modern Epistemology
    OF GOD
    Nicholas Everitt
    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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