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  • Eresse - Chronicles of Ylandre 04 - Heartstrings,

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    Chronicles of Ylandre Book Four
    Published 2012
    ISBN 978-1-59578-954-9
    Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509
    Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2012, Eressё. All rights
    reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
    transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise,
    without the prior written permission of the author.
    Manufactured in the United States of America
    Liquid Silver Books
    This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of
    the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
    events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.
    When all else comes to naught, a steadfast heart is the only thing that stands between
    hope and despair.
    Scions of the most powerful House in Ylandre, Ashrian Mithani and Eiren Sarvan
    were more than just cousins. Lovers of long standing, theirs was a bond that would have
    been the envy of all were it not for one glaring flawAshrian’s inability to commit
    himself wholeheartedly to Eiren. Despite the dismay of some and the derision of others,
    Eiren bore his inconstancy; displaying a loyalty Ashrian seemed incapable of returning.
    That is, until Ashrian crossed a line and the transgression proved one Eiren could not
    In the wake of grief and remorse, Ashrian seeks to make amends and win Eiren back.
    But something stands in his way. Or rather someone. And the irony of it all is that
    Ashrian can neither hate nor help befriending the Deir who is his rival for the heart of
    Ylandre’s most beloved physician.
    Rikara in the 2992nd year of the Common Age
    For a wedding between two members of the gentry, Aloir Sarvan’s was well attended
    by scions of the highest House in the land, even though it was deemed a big social step
    down after his first union to a son of a minor clan of House Essendri. Verily, it was only
    because of his son from said union that the Essendris deigned to grace the occasion of his
    binding to Dirion Qiraz. Had young Eiren declined to attend, none of his royal-blooded
    kinsfolk would have shown up. And there would have been no need to hire the most
    luxurious banquet hall in Rikara.
    * * * *
    “He’s grown beautiful,” Ashrian Mithani remarked as he and Reijir Arthanna studied
    their cousin from their corner of the ornately appointed hall.
    “Almost as beautiful as Rohyr,” Reijir said.
    “True.” It was generally agreed that the Ylandrin sovereign Rohyr Essendri was
    more physically attractive than the norm even in a House known for the uncommon
    pulchritude of most of its members. “I wonder if he pulls his nose out of his books long
    enough to take advantage of his beauty,” Ashrian only half jestingly remarked.
    Reijir frowned reprovingly at him. “We’re not all of a piece. Eiren is very serious
    about pursuing his profession. He doesn’t take his gift for granted. He knows full well
    born healers are as rare as adamants.”
    “I know that!” Ashrian rolled his eyes. “But he needn’t ignore the pleasures of life in
    the pursuit of knowledge. That would make for a very boring existence.”
    “I doubt he ignores them,” Reijir mildly retorted. “He just doesn’t flaunt his
    conquests the way some folk do.”
    “Meaning myself.” Ashrian grinned unrepentantly. “I won’t deny I like the chase.
    It’s quite exhilarating, especially when one captures one’s quarry.”
    “I hardly think the quarry agrees when he’s tossed aside once the hunt is over.
    Really, Ash, you’re the worst sort of libertine.”
    “At least, I don’t pretend otherwise. What they see is what they get, and it isn’t my
    fault if they choose to take a chance with me.” Ashrian noticed Reijir eyeing Eiren with
    some concern. “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothingyet. But did you mark how Eiren behaves toward his stepbrother?”
    Ashrian shook his head and turned to see for himself what his Ilmareni cousin had
    noticed. Eiren was in conversation with Ilian Qiraz. Or rather, Ilian was talking to him
    and Eiren was responding with little enthusiasm. Ashrian wondered at his lack of
    amiability toward his stepfather’s son. He regarded the other Deir as well.
    Ilian was fair-haired and pale-eyed whereas Eiren was dark. He was sturdier of frame
    but an inch or so shorter and more youthful of countenance though he and Eiren were
    almost the same age. He also seemed of a less serious bent. Ashrian could not recall a
    moment when Ilian had not smiled or laughed all evening.
    “He’s not very friendly with Ilian,” he commented. “I wonder why?”
    “Out of caution, no doubt. I don’t think he trusts Ilian very much.”
    “Really?” Ashrian scoffed. “You perceived that just from Eiren’s behavior?”
    “Nay, lackwit. I also
    his unease,” Reijir said. “You would, too, if you bothered to
    extend your senses a bit instead of dulling them with drink.”
    Ashrian bristled faintly. “I didn’t come to a wedding to spy on other people’s
    thoughts. I’m here to relax, make merry, and enjoy what company is to be had.”
    “You’re a Herun’s son,” Reijir mildly chided him. “It should behoove you to first
    take stock of your surroundings in
    situation before letting down your guard. How
    easily you forget your lessons when it suits you, cousin.”
    Sighing with some exasperation, Ashrian shrugged. “I’m never going to rule a great
    fief like you do. I don’t have the same obligations as you.”
    “You mayn’t be Glanthar’s heir, but you’re still a Mithani
    an Essendri and that
    requires some prudence in all your dealings,” Reijir pointed out. “You wouldn’t care to
    besmear either name or endanger yourself out of recklessness, now would you?”
    “Yes, O great teacher!” Ashrian grumbled. He raised a hand to forestall further
    lecturing. “So you’re probably right that Eiren doesn’t trust his stepbrother. What does
    that have to do with us? Do you think Eiren worries that Ilian will wrest our admiration
    from him? That is a ridiculous notion considering his superior standing and peerless
    skills. Not to mention that beauty we were talking about earlier. Ilian is handsome
    enough, but verily Eiren is comely almost beyond compare.” He smirked. “So comely it
    makes my mouth water just thinking about him in naught but his skin!”
    Reijir elbowed him in the side with a little more force than usual. “Don’t take him
    lightly. He isn’t anything like your previous bed treats.”
    “You’re just miffed I lured that last pretty away from you,” Ashrian mocked. “Admit
    it, Rei, you’re interested in him, too, and don’t want me to poach on your territory.”
    His cousin glared at him. “And you’ve never been deterred before so why should I
    bother to warn you away now?”
    Ashrian had the grace to be abashed. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for,” he ruefully
    said. “Look, I’ll own myself a scoundrel and a dolt for speaking out of turn. Come now,
    accept my apology. Please, Rei?”
    He turned a placating smile on his cousin. Appeased, Reijir lightly punched his
    cheek. Looking around, Reijr spotted someone across the hall.
    “I need to speak to Zykriel,” he said. “Enjoy yourself, Ash. But not so much that you
    have to be carried home draped over the back of your steed.”
    Ashrian watched Reijir head over to their cousin of Losshen. He turned his attention
    back to Eiren who had managed to disengage from the conversation with his stepbrother
    and now stood by himself for the moment, his dark gaze roving the chamber. At length,
    his gaze fell on Ashrian.
    Realizing Ashrian must have been regarding him for a time, Eiren blushed and
    abruptly turned his eyes elsewhere. The color slowly creeping into his cheeks, and the
    slight abashment in his widened eyes had a most charming effect and one Ashrian was
    not immune to. He snatched two goblets of wine from a passing attendant’s tray and
    purposely strolled toward Eiren.
    By Veres, if he did not have his cousin wanting for more than mere talk by evening’s
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