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  • Everlong by SydneyAlice COMPLETE, E - I

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    by SydneyAlice
    Edward Cullen leaves his family to search for his soulmate. Meanwhile, the Cullens grow close to
    a brown-eyed teenager who they save from drowning. Could she be the one Edward is searching
    Slightly OOC. Rated M for language and future lemons.
    All the Twilight stuff belongs to Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is
    Once you’ve read and enjoyed this story, why not show the author some love, and review
    "People are meant to go through life two by two. Tain't natural to be lonesome."
    Our Town – Act II
    **Five Years Ago**
    "I don't understand why you're leaving now!" Alice whined for the hundredth time in the last
    Yes, I'd been counting.
    I sighed loudly as I continued packing my bags. I'd explained myself so many times during the
    past few days. Everyone was disappointed that I was leaving. Even though I assured them that
    this was just a break – a vacation – from the monotony that had become our life in Anchorage, I
    couldn't ignore the sadness in their faces. The faces of the only family I'd ever known.
    "Alice," I whispered. "I've explained this. I just need some time."
    "Time to mope!" Alice exclaimed. "You can mope here! And if you don't like it here, you can
    continue moping when we get to Washington. You know we're moving there in a few months."
    "I'm not moping," I mumbled, although I knew it was just as good a word as any to describe my
    current mood. "I'm just….searching. Don't you understand?" I tossed some CDs into my bag
    before zipping it.
    "But I've seen…." Alice's voice trailed off as her forehead crinkled in confusion. "I'm not sure
    what I've seen, to be honest. But I just know that it involves you somehow. Something is going
    to happen, Edward. Washington is going to be life-changing for all of us. I can see it!"
    I took an unnecessary breath and kissed her forehead. "I know you said that. And that's great.
    You'll like Washington, and I'll join you there later. Save me a bedroom."
    "When?" She grumbled sadly. "When will you come?"
    My cold heart ached. How I hated making her unhappy. "When I've found what I'm looking for,
    or at least until I finally give up and just come home. Whichever comes first."
    "Don't you mean "who" you're looking for?"
    I smiled wistfully. "She's out there, Alice. I have to believe that or I might as well crawl into a
    corner, curl up, and beg to die. Don't you understand? Can you possibly understand the
    loneliness I feel? You have Jasper. Emmett has Rosalie. Carlisle has Esme…." My voice trailed off
    as the lines of my favorite play formed in my mind.
    People are meant to go through life two by two. Tain't natural to be lonesome.
    "You're thinking of that stupid play, aren't you?" Alice accused.
    I suppressed a grin. She knew me too well.
    "You're not going to find her in Alaska, Edward. That much I do know."
    I nodded. That was true enough. If my soulmate, love of my life, whatever you wanted to call
    her, was actually in this state, I would have found her by now.
    She wasn't here.
    And the loneliness was killing me.
    "Which is why I'm not staying in Alaska," I explained patiently. I grabbed my bags and headed
    down the stairs. I wasn't being rude. I knew she'd be right behind me.
    "And just where are you going, exactly?" She accused as she skipped down the stairs.
    "You tell me," I laughed in spite of her mood. "I'm sure you know my itinerary better than I do."
    Alice rolled her eyes and growled as she leapt in the air and onto my back. I laughed in spite of
    myself and allowed her to wrestle me to the floor.
    Alice was lucky. She had found her soulmate (if you believe that we have souls), decades earlier
    in a diner in Philadelphia. Poor Jasper didn't know what hit him. But from the moment his eyes
    locked with the tiny pixie, he knew that he would be hers forever.
    They found our family soon after. She and Jasper had come into our lives, stole my bedroom,
    and happily settled into the Cullen household. Carlisle and Esme, as one would expect from such
    loving creatures, welcomed the duo with open arms. Emmett was happy to have a new brother,
    and Rosalie was elated to finally have a sister with whom she could shop.
    I was thrilled, of course, to have a psychic in the family, especially one who could carry quiet
    conservations with me. Our family members each possessed a special talent, but Alice's
    clairvoyance and my telepathy connected us in ways that our brothers and sisters just couldn't
    relate. If I had a twin on this planet, it was most definitely Alice.
    Which is why it broke my heart to leave her behind.
    But she has Jasper, I reminded myself as I grabbed a few books from my shelf. And Jasper's
    mission in life was to make and to keep Alice deliriously happy. She would be just fine.
    I didn't want my family to think that I was leaving them because I was unhappy with the life
    we'd built together. Nothing could be further from the truth. Carlisle had created a life for us
    that others of our kind could only dream about. And we'd continue that life in Washington, in
    whichever city Carlisle chose for us to make our home for the next few years.
    But I was tired of going through the motions. I wanted my mate. I wanted the type of love that
    my brothers and sisters shared. I'd roamed this planet for almost a century, and every few
    decades or so, I would give up – assume that kind of love just doesn't exist for me. I'd then
    wallow for a decade or so until the loneliness became so acute that I'd begin my search once
    That's not to say there hadn't been offers. Tanya, a friend of the family from Denali, always
    reminded me that she was the obvious choice. She'd certainly taken every opportunity to prove
    her point. When we visited, she never failed to appear in low-cut, slit up to there pieces of fabric
    that she liked to call dresses. She'd made her intentions well-known throughout the decades.
    So, I apparently wasn't as lonely as I thought. You'd think a starving man wouldn't mind any dish
    being offered on a silver platter.
    But I wasn't interested.
    I pulled Alice into a hug. "I won't be gone long, I promise."
    "And you'll keep in touch?"
    "I promise."
    "And you'll call me if you see her before I do…."
    I smiled. "If I see her before you do, you'll be the very first person I call. I'll need your insight to
    know how it's all going to work out, afterall."
    And with this assurance, she smiled.
    "Forks?" Rosalie whined as we passed the sign at the entrance of the sleepy little town. "We're
    living in a town named after an eating utensil?"
    "It's a beautiful town," Carlisle patiently explained. "The rainiest town in the continental United
    States. The sun hardly shines. We can almost be human here. You're going to love it."
    Rosalie snorted, and I suppressed a giggle.
    She is such a brat.
    As Carlisle pulled into the driveway of what was to be our new home, Rosalie's previous disgust
    with the little town quickly turned into delight.
    "It's gorgeous!" She exclaimed as she jumped out of the car, leaving Emmett to carry all of their
    bags. I helped Jasper pull a few of our bags from the car when, suddenly, my vision shifted.
    I didn't recognize the setting. It was a river with a beautiful meadow along its shoreline. It was
    the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. What should have been a gorgeous, comforting vision
    suddenly turned frightening as I saw a little girl with beautiful brown eyes falling into the raging
    Screaming, I dropped the bag and grabbed Carlisle's hand. Without explanation and with no idea
    where we were going, we jumped above the trees and flew through the forest.
    "A little girl," I explained hastily. "We're looking for a girl."
    "Which direction, Alice?" Carlisle asked. "What can you see?"
    "A river," I whispered. "She's at the river. She's going to drown…"
    "The Sol Duc? Callawah?"
    I pondered for a second. "Whichever is closest."
    "The Sol Duc," he confirmed. We raced through the dense forest until we came upon a clearing
    – the meadow from my vision. The pale sunlight was streaming in, reflecting off the thousands
    of tiny flowers laced through the grass. The sound of the river echoed, and both of us carefully
    scanned the surface of the water.
    I sighed with relief. We saw nothing.
    Suddenly, Carlisle's nostrils flared.
    "A human," he whispered.
    We both turned to see the girl from my vision standing downstream, gazing down into the
    beautiful water. She gingerly placed a bare toe into the water. We watched silently as she
    repeated this movement, time and time again. The scene was so serene, I was beginning to
    wonder if my visions weren't faulty.
    Suddenly, a bird squawked overhead, breaking the comforting silence. The girl gasped and
    quickly turned to run. I watched my vision become a reality as the girl's foot hit a large rock on
    the shoreline, causing her to fall backwards and tumble down into the river below.
    I couldn't hold back my scream as Carlisle instantly leapt into the water. Within one minute,
    Jasper and Emmett were standing along the shoreline. Jasper took his hand in mine as he tried
    to calm my fears. My frozen heart ached for the girl. She was definitely younger than me (or at
    least younger than the eighteen years I was pretending to be), and I couldn't shake the feeling
    that she was important, or would be important, to me. That could have been my best friend in
    the whole world splashing furiously in the water, and I couldn't have been anymore upset.
    Jasper's presence tried to relax me, but even his talents were having no affect on my panic.
    Within seconds, Carlisle was holding the girl in his arms as he forced his way out of the water.
    He carefully placed her on the sandy shore, and I raced to his side, kneeling next to her.
    "Carlisle? Is she…..?" Jasper's voice was thick with the emotions surrounding him.
    "Unconscious, but she's alive," he sighed and then instantly made the transition from rescuer to
    physician. Checking her pulse, he seemed content with his findings before noticing her injured
    "It's just sprained," I answered automatically. "But she hit her head on a rock when she fell into
    the water. I'm guessing a concussion…."
    "I think you're right," Carlisle agreed. "Let's get her to the house, shall we?"
    "Be careful with her," I warned as Emmett and Jasper ran ahead to the house to prepare Esme
    and Rosalie for our unexpected guest. "Watch her foot, Carlisle." I knew I was being rude. He
    was a doctor, after all. But I couldn't see far enough into her future to know if she was going to
    be all right. I only knew that she had a concussion and a sprained ankle.
    And, thankfully, she wasn't bleeding.
    To say that I had a headache would be the understatement of the century.
    I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a beautiful bedroom that was completely unfamiliar to
    me. I shook my head to try to erase my foggy thoughts and instantly realized this was a huge
    mistake. The room began to spin into weird shapes and colors, so I snapped my eyes shut and
    decided to do the only thing I could do without throwing up.
    I screamed bloody murder.
    "Damn, Alice, a little warning next time…." I heard a male voice say as my eyes settled on the
    "Sorry," a sweet voice sighed. "I knew she was going to scream, but I didn't know it would scare
    the fish. At least we know her lungs are in good shape."
    "Where the hell am I?" I blurted out. "And who the hell are you?"
    I instantly froze. Did Charlie hear me curse? We'd had many discussions about my language
    since I arrived last…..when did I get here? I shook my head again, trying to remember, and
    regretted the motion.
    "Hi," the sweet, angelic voice whispered. "I'm Alice. What's your name?"
    My eyes narrowed at the girl sitting next to me on the bed. She was beautiful and gorgeous and
    too cute in her designer outfit. This wasn't the type of girl who would ever say two words to me
    in school, so I was instantly cautious.
    "I'm Bella. Isabella Swan. But everyone calls me Bella. Why am I here? What happened?"
    "Bella….." she let my name roll across her tongue so beautifully that I thought she might burst
    into song. I was instantly jealous because I was positive that such a beautiful girl would also have
    a beautiful singing voice.
    A man in a white lab coat walked slowly to my side. "Bella, my name is Carlisle, and this is my
    wife, Esme. This is our family…"
    He introduced them one by one, but I really didn't hear a thing he said. My eyes were fixated on
    each of them. They were insanely gorgeous. Every single one of them.
    And each of them was smiling at me like I was a lottery prize.
    Carlisle explained that I fell into the river, hit my head, and sprained my ankle. They pulled me to
    safety and brought me back to the house. I'd been here only for a day. It bothered me that I
    couldn't remember anything about the accident, but Carlisle assured me that it didn't matter. I
    was going to be just fine.
    I noticed almost instantly that Alice was the most hyper of them all, and I quickly decided that
    she needed a good dose of Ritalin. At least, that's what they gave the kids in my class when they
    couldn't sit still. And Alice definitely couldn't stay put for very long. She introduced me to her
    boyfriend, Jasper, who I noticed stood against the far wall and wouldn't dare come closer.
    I tried not to be offended.
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