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  • Esprit Christmas Earrings, Biżuteria projekty

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    Esprit Christmas Earrings
    by Dianne Karg Baron
    These earrings are based on an original
    necklace design by Helen Goga, which she
    contributed to a beginner wire jewelry
    course I teach at a local community
    college. The necklace was published in
    Wire Artist Jeweller Magazine
    in August
    999 (Vol. 2, No. 8).
    2” (53cm) 22-gauge (.65mm) soft square sterling wire
    0” (25cm) 22-gauge (.65mm) hard round sterling wire
    2” (5cm) 20-gauge (.8mm) hard round sterling wire (for S-links)
    8mm x 6mm beads
    6mm x 4mm beads
    4mm x 3mm sterling beads
    One pair of commercial earwires or two -3/4” pieces (4.5cm) 20-
    gauge (.8mm) hard round sterling wire for making your own
    Round nose pliers
    Flat nose pliers
    Flush-cutting wire nippers
    Measuring tape
    Masking tape
    Ring mandrel
    Rouge cloth
    Pin vise
    Photo of finished piece by Todd Murray; all other photos courtesy of the author.
    Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
    publishers of
    Step by Step Wire Jewelry
    …join the online beading community at
    Esprit Christmas Earrings
    There are a couple of different ways to make the twisted wire for this
    project. You can roll the pin vise from the top of your thigh down toward
    your knee while gripping the free end with your flat nose pliers.
    Alternatively, you can clamp the pin vise into a hand chuck, and crank
    the handle while gripping the free end with your flat nose pliers.
    Using a very low speed portable drill is another option for this method, but
    it can be dangerous, so please be very careful.
    I chose to use the option in Step 2. Clean and straighten the 22-
    gauge wire using the rouge cloth. Feed one end of the wire into the pin vise
    and clamp it tightly. Grip the other end with the flat nose pliers, and start
    twisting the wire. Repeat until you have an evenly twisted wire pattern.
    Remove the wire from the pin vise, and trim off the waste on both ends.
    Measure and cut twelve -5/8” (4cm) pieces from the twisted wire.
    Trim all of the ends flush. There will be a bit of waste at the end, which
    you can throw into your scrap box or discard. Measure /4” (5–7mm) from
    the tips of your round nose pliers, and wrap a small piece of masking tape
    around one of the tines. This will help to ensure that all of your loops are
    the same size.
    Turn loops on both ends of each of the 2 twisted wire pieces, making
    sure to turn them both in the same direction, on the same side of the wire.
    Bend each loop back a bit, so that they are centered.
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    step 1
    step 2
    step 3
    step 4
    step 5
    Esprit Christmas Earrings
    Bend each of the wires into a U-shape on the wide end of the ring
    Clean and straighten the 22-gauge hard round wire with the rouge
    cloth. Measure and cut six -5/8” (4cm) pieces. Trim all of the ends flush.
    Save the remaining wire to make the dangles in Step 4. Turn a loop in one
    end of the wire, and bend each loop back a bit, so that they are centered.
    Repeat on the five remaining wires.
    Make a bead set by threading a 3mm sterling bead onto the 22-gauge
    wire. Thread on one loop of one of the U-shaped wires. Thread on a 4mm
    bead, and thread on one loop of a second of the U-shaped wires. Thread
    on a 6mm bead.
    step 9
    Thread on the second loop of the first U-shaped wire.
    Thread on a 4mm bead, and thread on the second loop of the second
    U-shaped wire. Finally, thread on a 3mm sterling bead. Make a 90° bend in
    the 22-gauge wire, and turn a loop in the wire to finish that side.
    Repeat Steps 8–0 to make a second bead set. As you make the third
    bead set, interlink the U-shaped wires with the U-shaped wires of one of
    the other bead sets. Finish the bead set, and turn a loop in the end of the
    Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
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    step 6
    step 7
    step 8
    step 10
    step 11
    Esprit Christmas Earrings
    Twist open the loops of the remaining bead set, and interlink them
    with one loop on each of the other sets. The three sets linked together
    should look like a triangle.
    Clean and straighten the 20-gauge hard round wire. Using round nose
    pliers, make an S-link with one loop bigger than the other. After that, make
    a second S-link. Twist open the larger loop of the S-link, and link together
    the apex of the triangle. Close the loop.
    Make two sets of three dangles for the earrings using the remaining
    22-gauge hard round wire. For each earring there will be 2 dangles with
    4mm beads, and one dangle with a 6mm and 3mm bead. Using the flat
    nose pliers, make a small crimp in the end of the wire by folding over the
    end and pressing it flat.
    Feed on a bead. Make a 90° bend in the wire, measure /4" (7mm)
    from the bend, and trim the wire. Turn a loop in the end, and make the
    remaining dangles.
    Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
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    step 12
    step 13
    step 14
    step 15
    Esprit Christmas Earrings
    Twist open the loops of the dangles, and attach them to the U-shapes
    on the bottom of the triangle as shown, and close the loops.
    Finally, attach a commercial or handmade earwire to the S-link at the apex
    of the triangle to finish the earrings. Enjoy!
    DIANNE KARG BARON a metalsmith and wire art jewelry
    instructor, has been creating jewelry using precious
    metal wire and gemstones for 0 years. Her work has
    been featured in magazines, fine craft publications
    and books, including Wire Artist Jeweller, Step by Step
    Wire Jewelry (Spring 2005), Wire in Design by Barbara
    McGuire, and All Wired Up! by Mark Lareau. She is
    currently serving as president of the International
    Guild of Wire Jewelry Artists. You can see more of
    her work and contact her through her Web site:
    Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
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    step 16
    step 17
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