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  • Eternal Flakefall (Naughty or Nice) - K. R. Foster, 2010 Advent Calendar - Naughty or Nice

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    K.R. Foster
    Eternal Flakefall [2]
    Eternal Flakefall
    For the Kloseteers, my verbal sparring partners.
    stared at the wall of ice opposite his throne, lips
    shifting into a frown as the insults and hatred continued to
    bombard him. Only the denizens of Earth would be foolish
    enough to repeatedly insult one of the most powerful beings
    in existence: a Weather God.
    His sisters received nothing but love and praise. While,
    he, Winterhe sneered at the name; the humans on Earth
    had no tastegarnered nothing but hatred.
    The man displayed on the wall of ice was large, husky,
    and shorter than the average mortal. His coat was white,
    puffy, and he resembled one of those human sweets
    marshmallow! That was it
    . While that might have amused
    Talvi, the man’s comments didn’t.
    “Blasted bad weather. Four feet of snow… ridiculous!
    Spring can’t come fast enough.”
    Irritated, Talvi waved his hand imperiously. The man
    melted away and became a woman: tall, slender, wearing a
    red coat that fell to her knees and boots with dangerously
    high heels. She skidded on a patch of ice, and barely caught
    herself on a lamppost.
    “I hate winter!” she hissed, painted lips curling with
    blatant disgust.
    K.R. Foster
    Eternal Flakefall [3]
    Gritting his teeth, Talvi moved onto the next human,
    and the next, and the next. It never failed to amaze and
    horrify him how the humans on Earth differed from the
    living beings on the other worlds he watched over.
    As children, the Earth humans always seemed excited
    when it was his turn to rule Earth. They got to stay home
    from school, have snowball fights, make angels, and all those
    other silly things children did. They’d stay out in the snow as
    long as they could, press their cheeks against frost-
    decorated windows, and whisper about how much they
    wanted to see him again tomorrow.
    But when the children grew up, they forgot all of that.
    Their love for him turned to irritation and then anger. His
    gifts became a nuisance. Now they had to warm up their
    cars, scrape windows, shovel sidewalks, and so on. He was
    no longer welcome.
    Lips that had once praised him spewed nothing but
    spiteful words year after year.
    The wall to his right showed Startyllm. It was the planet
    he felt most fond of; he always ruled it. Some planets only
    had one season, one ruler, where others had many. The
    people on Startyllm never cursed his name. Their lips
    caressed it lovingly; they were properly thankful for the
    many blessings he gave them.
    The stark comparison made the humans of Earth fall
    into the spotlight for the first time. He’d allowed them to
    skirt the edge of disrespect for far too long. He would not
    allow it another year. Once this season ended, he would
    break the tie he had with Earth.
    K.R. Foster
    Eternal Flakefall [4]
    It was time for the humans to learn their place. To learn
    one of the most basic truths in the universe: there was no
    life without death or rest.
    What mortal could live always, with no respite, no sleep?
    He’d never seen one, not on any world he’d bonded with.
    Even the humans, themselves, required sleep each day. Yet
    they ignored that Earth was as alive as they were… and even
    worlds grew tired.
    “Let them find a way to cope,” he murmured, lips
    curling in a smirk, “without the aid of rest. Let the little
    humanshow did it go?ah, yes, reap what they have
    Honestly, Talvi would have been content to sever the
    connection immediately, but that would be impolite. His
    eldest sister, Swyla, did not expect to assume control for a
    month yet, and he would not force the task upon her
    because of the hated humans. She deserved a rest from
    them as well, despite their love for her.
    He spared a brief thought for his siblings, but knew they
    would have plenty of time to adjust their rules as they would
    once he announced his abandonment of Earth.
    Abandonment… it felt like the perfect word. “I shall abandon
    them, as they have abandoned me.”
    Grinning, he leaned back in his throne and stretched
    his arms and back victoriously. It might seem petty, but
    there were no rules against that. Few rules governed his life,
    and nothing forbade him from severing ties with an
    ungrateful world.
    He would have no regrets in one month’s time when….
    K.R. Foster
    Eternal Flakefall [5]
    “You’re back.”
    Talvi’s head jerked up, sending ice-blue hair spilling
    about his face and kissing his cheekbones.
    “I’ve missed you.”
    Long, slender fingers clutched the armrests of his
    crystalline throne as he stared at the wall of ice that showed
    him Earth.
    “One month is never enough time. It’s not fair.”
    The low, smooth voice sent shivers down his spine and
    caused the flesh between his legs to twitch with interest
    something that rarely happened. With as long as he’d lived,
    not much captured Talvi’s attention anymore.
    “Waiting for classes to end was torture.”
    Soft pink lips pressed against a perfectly sculpted
    snowball that was held lovingly in two warm, bare hands.
    Talvi felt the ghost of a kiss against his cheek and heard his
    breath hitch.
    “All I wanted was to come out here and welcome you
    Falling snowflakes landed and melted in hair so pale a
    blond it could only be described as platinum. Chill winds
    blew it about the young man’s face, caressing snow white
    skinas trite as it soundedflushed with pleasure.
    “After I graduate I’m going to attend college somewhere
    where it snows for months and months, instead of just one if
    I’m lucky.”
    Talvi didn’t remember moving, but his fingers stroked
    the ice wall, right over the slightly flushed cheek. The words
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